IBPS CWE Specialist Officers(IT) 2012 Professional Knowledge Question Paper

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IBPS CWE specialist IT officer consists of four sections: Reasoning, English, Maths and Professional knowledge (IT). Following questions are from the first IBPS CWE-I Specialist Officers held on 2012 covering the Professional Knowledge section.
Also Read: IBPS CWE Specialist Officers(IT) 2013>> 

Syllabus for IBPS Specialist Officers(IT) exam?
There are no detailed syllabus for Professional Knowledge section for IBPS Specialist Officers(IT) examination. But studying the previous papers, we have come to this decision that, following topics are really important. Go through them.
  • Basics of Operating Systems
  • Basics of computer organizations and computer operations
  • Input/Output system, Microprocessors, Logical circuit degin
  • SQL, Relational Database Management Systems(RDBMS), Data Mining and Data Warehousing
  • Data communication, Networking, Network and System security
  • Basic Software engineering
  • Basic Linux System Administration(Not seen much importance)
  • Current advancement in IT, social networks, trends, virus and worms etc.
You are advised to go through these topics carefully for better preparation of the test.
--IBPS CWE Specialist IT Officers 2012 Professional Knowledge Questions--

  1. A special type gateway that can keep external users from accessing resources on the LAN users access the external info is called:
    1. Repeater
    2. Firewall
    3. Encryption
    4. Hub
    5. None of these
  2. What is the name given to the exchange of control signals which is necessary for establishing a connection between a modem and a computer at one end of a line and another modem and computer at the other end?
    1. Handshaking
    2. Modem options
    3. Protocol
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  3. In SQL, which command is used to changes data in a data table?
    1. UPDATE
    2. INSERT
    3. BROWSE
    4. APPEND
    5. None of these
  4. In SQL, which of the following is not a data definition language command?
    1. RENAME
    2. REVOKE
    3. GRANT
    4. UPDATE
    5. None of these
  5. Which command(s) is (are) used to redefine a column of the table in SQL ?
    4. ALL of the these
    5. None of these
  6. In a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called
    1. Relations
    2. Domains
    3. Queries
    4. All of the these
    5. None of these
  7. An indexing operation
    1. Sorts a file using a single key
    2. Sorts file using two keys
    3. Establishes an index for a file
    4. Both (1) and (3)
    5. None of these
  8. Data security threats include
    1. Hardware failure
    2. Privacy invasion
    3. Fraudulent manipulation of data
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  9. The language used in application programs to request data from the DBMS is referred to as the
    1. DML
    2. DDL
    3. Query language
    4. DCL
    5. None of these
  10. A ___ contains the smallest unit of meaningful data, so you might call it the basic building block for a data file.
    1. File structures
    2. Records
    3. Fields
    4. Database
    5. None of these
  11. A ___ means that one record in a particular record type is related to only one record of another record type.
    1. One to one relationship
    2. One to many relationship
    3. Many toone relationship
    4. Many to many relationship
    5. None of these
  12. Through linked list one can implement
    1. Stack
    2. Graph
    3. Queue
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  13. A heap allows a very efficient implementation of a
    1. Doubled ended queue
    2. Priority queue
    3. Stack
    4. Trees
    5. None of these
  14. In files, there is a key associated with each record which is used to differentiate among different records. For every file there is at least one set of keys that is unique. Such a Key is called
    1. Unique key
    2. Prime attribute
    3. Index key
    4. Primary Key
    5. Null key
  15. ____ is primarily used for mapping host names and email destinations to IP address but can also be used for other purposes.
    1. TCP(transfer control protocol)
    2. DNS(Domain Name System)
    3. SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm)
    4. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
    5. None of these
  16. Override is a method
    1. For an operation that replaces an inherited method for the same operation
    2. For a data that replaces an inherited method for the same operation
    3. For an operation that takes arguments form library function
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  17. Local variables
    1. Are created outside a block
    2. Are known only to that block
    3. Continue to exist when their block ends
    4. Are illegal in C++
    5. None of these
  18. ____ is virus that inserts itself into a system’s memory. Then it take number of actions when an infected file is executed.
    1. Web scripting virus
    2. Polymorphic virus
    3. Macro virus
    4. Boot sector virus
    5. Resident virus
  19. This ___ data mining technique derives rules from real world case examples.
    1. Waterfall model
    2. RAD
    3. White Box
    4. Spiral model
    5. Case based reasoning
  20. The ___ remains operative until the software is required.
    1. Waterfall model
    2. Incremental model
    3. Spiral model
    4. Prototyping model
    5. Incremental model
  21. Data mining evolve as a mechanism to cater the limitations of ___ systems to deal massive data sets with high dimensionality, new data type, multiple heterogeneous data resource etc.
    1. OLTP
    2. OLAP
    3. DSS
    4. DWH
    5. None of these
  22. An important application of cryptography, used in computerized commercial and financial transaction
    1. Data mining
    2. Data warehousing
    3. Digital signature
    4. Media convergence
    5. None of these
  23. Rows of a relation are called:
    1. Relation
    2. Tuples
    3. Data structure
    4. An entity
    5. None of these
  24. The drawbacks of the binary tree sort are remedied by the
    1. Linear sort
    2. Quick Sort
    3. Heap Sort
    4. Insertion Sort
    5. None of these
  25. Which layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user?
    1. Network
    2. Application
    3. Data link
    4. Session
    5. None of these
  1. The tracks on a disk which can be accused without repositioning the R/W heads is
    1. Surface
    2. Cylinder
    3. Cluster
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  2. Which of the following is true about GUIs?
    1. They make computers easier to use for nonprofessionals
    2. They use icons and menus that users can select with a mouse
    3. Both (1) and (2)
    4. All of the these
    5. None of these
  3. A computer system consisting of its processor, memory and I/O devices accepts data, processes it and produces the output results .Can you tell in which component is the raw data fed?
    1. Mass Memory
    2. Main Memory
    3. Logic Unit
    4. Arithmetic unit
    5. None of these
  4. The mechanical diskette drive in which you insert your diskette is connected to the computer’s—bus
    1. Data
    2. Communication
    3. Address
    4. Parallel
    5. None of these
  5. A set of programs that handle firm’s database responsibilities is called a
    1. Data base Management System (DBMS)
    2. Data Base Processing System (DBPS)
    3. Data Management System (DMS)
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  6. You are in the process of analyzing a problem that requires you to collect and store TCP/ IP Packets. Which of the following utilities is best suited for this purpose?
    1. NBTSTAT
    2. Performance Monitor
    3. NETSTAT
    4. Network Monitor
    5. DHCP Management Console
  7. A top to bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by a
    1. Hierarchical Schema
    2. Network Schema
    3. Relational Schema
    4. All of the above
    5. None of these
  8. The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk (or intermediate store) so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk is known as
    1. Multiprogramming
    2. Spooling
    3. Caching
    4. Virtual programming
    5. None of these
  9. Which of the following system program forgoes the production of object code to generate absolute machine code and load it into the physical main storage location from which it will be executed immediately upon completion of the assembly?
    1. Two pass assembler
    2. Load and go assembler
    3. Macro processor
    4. Compiler
    5. None of these
  10. Relocation bits used by relocating loader are specifically (generated) by:
    1. Relocating loader itself
    2. Linker
    3. Assembler or translator
    4. Macro processor
    5. None of these
  11. From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up ?
    1. ROM BIOS
    2. CPU
    3. Boot.ini
    5. None of these
  12. Abstraction is
    1. The act of representing the essential features of something without including much detail.
    2. The act of representing the features of something much detail
    3. A tree structure
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  13. Aggregation is a special for of
    1. Generalization
    2. Specialization
    3. Association
    4. Object
    5. None of these
  14. Consider an operation of addition. For two numbers, the operating will generate a sum. If the operand are strings, and the same operation would produce a third string by concatenation. This features is called ____.
    1. Inheritance
    2. Encapsulation
    3. Polymorphism
    4. Binding
    5. None of these
  15. In ER diagrams, the term cardinality is a synonym for the term—
    1. Attribute
    2. Degree
    3. Entities
    4. Cartesian
    5. None of these
  16. An oracle server index—
    1. Is a schema object
    2. Is used to speed up the retrieval of rows by using a pointer
    3. Is independent of the table it indexes
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  17. Which of the following is not a context free grammar components?
    1. Terminal symbols
    2. Nonterminal symbol
    3. Production line
    4. List
    5. None of these
  18. Which of the following is a phase of RAD model?
    1. Business modeling
    2. Data modeling
    3. Application generation
    4. All of the above
    5. None of these
  19. ____ is a set design steps that allows a DFD with transform flow characteristics to be mapped into a predefined template for program structure.
    1. Transaction flow
    2. Contributor
    3. Transform mapping
    4. Design evaluation
    5. None of these
  20. A combinational logic circuit which is used to send data coming from a single source to two or more separate destinations is called as
    1. Decoder
    2. Encoder
    3. Multiplexer
    4. Demultiplexer
    5. None of these
  21. Which of the following is a universal gate?
    1. AND
    2. OR
    3. EXOR
    4. NAND
    5. None of these
  22. The two’s compliment of binary number 010111.1100 is
    1. 101001.1100
    2. 101000.0100
    3. 010111.0011
    4. 101000.0011
    5. None of these
  23. In 8086 the overflow flag is set when
    1. The sum is more than 16 bits
    2. Signed numbers go out their range after an arithmetic operation
    3. Carry and sign flags are set
    4. During subtraction
    5. None of these
  24. What does microprocessor speed depends on?
    1. Clock
    2. Data bus width
    3. Address bus width
    4. All of these
    5. None of these
  25. The TRAP is one of the interrupts available its INTEL 8085. Which one statement is true of TRAP?
    1. It is level triggered
    2. It is negative edge triggered It is positive edge triggered
    3. It is positive edge triggered
    4. It is both positive edge triggered and level triggered
    5. None of these


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